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Betting is a more complicated type of gambling. Using $bet [maximum] [tip] [money] will pick a number between 0 and the maximum. If the number generated is identical to the number you tipped, you win the money you bet times the maximum minus one. For example, if you bet $5 and the maximum is 11, 11-1 is 10 and 10*5=50 so you would win $50. If the number is different then the number you tipped, you only lose the amount of money you bet and no more.

The maximum reward that can be gained is $100,000.


Flipping a coin is the most basic method of gambling. Using $flip [heads/tails] [money] or $coin [heads/tails] [money] will pick either heads or tails. If the result is the same as the side you chose in the command, you win the amount of money you bet. If it is the opposite side, you lose the amount of money you bet.