Game Master

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Game Master, formerly known as Bot Admin, is a special position within the bot. Game Masters can generate money and XP, forcefully delete a user's character, and access the transaction logs, among other things.

Available commands

The following is a list of commands available to Game Masters, along with their command description and intended purpose. Please note that only Game Masters can use these commands and regular users will get a reply saying "You don't have the permissions to use this command. It is thought for other users."

  • $clearshop - Clean up the shop. - Removes items that have been on th global player market for more than 14 days and places them back into the sellers' inventories. This is to prevent the market from overflowing.
  • $unban - Unban someone from the bot. - A previously botbanned user will be unbanned with this command. Please note that a botban is not equivalent to a server ban.
  • $gmgive - Gives money to a user without loss. - Usually used in case of events, though this command can be used to refund bugs that caused a user to lose money as well.
  • $gmremove - Removes money from a user without gain. - Usually used to remove cheated money from a user.
  • $gmdelete - Deletes any user's account. - This will be used in case of exploits. Other Game Master's profiles cannot be deleted with this command.
  • $gmrename - Renames a character. - This will be used if a character with an offensive/rule breaking name is found. Other Game Master's profiles cannot be renamed with this command.
  • $gmitem - Create an item. - This command will create an item with a set damage/defense stat, set value, set type and set name. The generated item's damage/defense cannot exceed 100, the value cannot exceed $100,000,000 (one hundred million).
  • $gmcrate - Gives/removes crates to a user without loss. - Usually used in case of events, or when IdleRPGs vote handler is not responding. Any type and amount, inclusing negative amounts of crates can be given.
  • $gmwipeperks - Wipes someone's donator perks. - Used when someone without any donator role is still actively using donation perks, like a custom background or custom named weapons.
  • $gmresetclass - Resets someone's class(es). - Sets both classes to "no class", this was used when there was a bug with pets, commonly known as pet purgatory, which caused the pet to be dead, without the player's class being removed.
  • $gmsign - Sign an item - Gives an item a signature which can be seen in a player's inventory. Ruby Donators or higher donation tiers are entitled to a signature, however any player's items can be signed, if the Game Master so chooses. This command has a cooldown period of seven days.
  • $gmauction - Start an auction on something. - Users will be able to bid for something. The user's money will not be given to the Game Master that started the auction, but rather removed from the game entirely. The auction's length is dynamic and will increase in 30 minute increments. If the price has not been raised for 30 minutes, the auction will end.
  • $gmresetcooldown - Sets someone's cooldown to a specific time in seconds (by default removes the cooldown) - Usually used in case of user error.


  • Each command starting with "gm-" formerly had the "a-" prefix (e.g. $agive). This change was made on April 6th 2020 to accomodate for the Administrator role being renamed to Game Masters.
  • Even though there is a command to unban previously botbanned users, there is no command to botban users in the first place.