Command List

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Currently, every single command, or close to every single command in IdleRPG. This page is still a work in progress as new commands or event commands are removed or added regularly. I'd prefer that no one edits this page until I'm done with it because I have a thing I'm currently working from. I'm sorry if you wanted to edit this. Thank you, Shadow


Language Set

@IdleRPG#8939 language set <locale>-Sets the language of the bot you want it to be.

<locale>-The locale code of the language you want to use; full list can be found in @IdleRPG#8939 language

@IdleRPG#8939 [locale|lang|language] -View all available languages' locale codes. Some of these languages, like xtreme-owo or unplayable are no real languages but serve as a way to spice up the english text. If something is not yet translated, the english original text is used.



$[coin|flip] [side] [amount]-Flips a coin, if the coin lands on the side you bet on, you will receive the amount in cash. If it's the other side, you lose that amount. (Command cooldown is 5 seconds.)

[side] - The coin side to bet on, can be heads or tails; defaults to heads

[amount] - A whole number from 1 to 100,000; defaults to 0


$[doubleorsteal|dos] [user]-Plays a round of double-or-steal against a player. Each round, a player can double the bet played for, or steal, removing the bet from the other player and giving it to the first.

[user] - A discord user with a character; defaults to anyone

Roulette Table

$roulette table-Sends a picture of a French Roulette table.


$draw [user] [amount]-draws a card with another player, out of 52 french playing cards, highest card wins. (This command has a cooldown of 15 seconds.)

[user] - A discord user with a character; defaults to no one if is pinged and draws a single card

[amount] - A whole number; defaults at 0


$[bj|blackjack] [amount=0]-Play a round of blackjack against the bot, controlled by reactions. The objective is to have a card value as close to 21 as possible, without exceeding it (known as bust). Having a card value of exactly 21 is known as a blackjack. (This command has a cooldown of 5 seconds.)

[amount] - The amount of money you bet, must be between 0 and 1000; defaults to 0

⤴ Hit: Pick up another card

⤵ Stand: stay at your current card value

↔ Split (if dealt two cards with the same value): Split your two cards into separate hands

🔁 Switch (if split): Change the focused hand

⏬ Double down: double the amount you bet in exchange for only one more card

If a player wins, they will get the amount in cash. If they lose, they will lose that amount. If they win with a natural blackjack (first two dealt card get to a value of 21), the player wins 1.5 times the amount.


$[rou|roulette] <money> <bid>-Play a game of French Roulette. (This command has a cooldown of 15 seconds.)

<money> - A whole number from 0 to 100

<bid> - What to bid on, see below for details

Possible simple bets:

  • noir (all black numbers) (1:1 payout)
  • rouge (all red numbers) (1:1 payout)
  • pair (all even numbers) (1:1 payout)
  • impair (all odd numbers) (1:1 payout)
  • manque (1-18) (1:1 payout)
  • passe (19-36) (1:1 payout)
  • premier (1-12) (2:1 payout)
  • milieu (13-24) (2:1 payout)
  • dernier (25-36) (2:1 payout)

Complicated bets:

  • colonne (34/35/36) (all numbers in a row on the betting table, either 1, 4, ..., 34 or 2, 5, ..., 35 or 3, 6, ... 36) (2:1 payout)
  • transversale (vertical low)-(vertical high) This includes simple and pleine (a vertical row on the betting table, e.g. 19-21. can also be two rows, e.g. 4-9) (11:1 payout for pleine, 5:1 for simple)
  • les trois premiers (numbers 0, 1, 2) (11:1 payout)
  • carre (low)-(high) (a section of four numbers in a square on the betting table, e.g. 23-27) (8:1 payout)
  • les quatre premiers (numbers 0, 1, 2, 3) (8:1 payout)
  • cheval (number 1) (number 2) (a simple bet on two numbers) (17:1 payout)
  • plein (number) (a simple bet on one number) (35:1 payout)

To visualize the rows and columns, use the command: roulette table

This command is in an alpha-stage, which means bugs are likely to happen. Play at your own risk.


$bet [maximum] [tip] [money]-Bet on the outcome of an n-sided dice.

You will win [maximum - 1] * [money] money if you are right and lose [money] if you are wrong. For example: $bet 10 4 100 Rolls a 10 sided dice. If the dice lands on 4, you will receive $900. If the dice lands on any other number, you will lose $100. (This command has a cooldown of 5 seconds.)

[maximum] - The amount of sides the dice will have, must be greater than 1; defaults to 6

[tip] - The number to bet on, must be greater than 0 and lower than, or equal to

[maximum]; defaults to 6

[money] - The amount of money to bet, must be between 0 and 100,000; defaults to 0



$[missions|dungeons|adventures]-Shows all adventures, their names, descriptions, and your chances to beat them in picture form. Your chances are determined by your equipped items, race and class bonuses, your level and your God-given luck.


$[s|status]-Checks the remaining time of your adventures, or if you survived or died.

Your chance is checked here, not in $adventure. Your chances are determined by your equipped items, race and class bonuses, your level, God-given luck and active luck boosters. If you are in an alliance which owns a city with an adventure building, your chance will be increased by 5% per building level. If you survive on your adventure, you will receive gold up to the adventure number times 60, XP up to 500 times the adventure number and either a loot or gear item. The chance of loot is dependent on the adventure number and whether you use the Ritualist class. God given luck affects the amount of gold and the gear items' damage/defense and value. If you are in a guild, its guild bank will receive 10% of the amount of gold extra. If you are married, your partner will receive a portion of your gold extra as well.


$cancel-Cancels your ongoing adventure and allows you to start a new one right away. You will not receive any rewards if you cancel your adventure.


$deaths-Shows your overall adventure death and completed count, including your success rate.


$[mission|a|adventure] <adventure_number>-Send your character on an adventure with the difficulty <adventure_number>. The adventure will take <adventure_number> hours if no time booster is used, and half as long if a time booster is used.

<adventure_number> - a whole number from 1 to 30

If you are in an alliance which owns a city with adventure buildings, your adventure time will be reduced by the adventure building level in %. Donators' time will also be reduced:

  • 5% reduction for Silver Donators
  • 10% reduction for Gold Donators
  • 25% reduction for Emerald Donators and above

Be sure to check $status to check how much time is left, or to check if you survived or died.

Active Adventure

$[aa|activeadventure]-Active adventures will put you into a 15x15 randomly generated maze.

You will begin in the top left corner (0,0) and your goal is to find the exit in the bottom right corner (14,14). You control your character with the arrow reactions below the message. You have 1000HP. The adventure ends when you find the exit or your HP drop to zero. You can lose HP by getting damaged by traps or enemies. The maze contains safe spaces and treasures but also traps and enemies. Each space has a 10% chance of being a trap. If a space does not have a trap, it has a 10% chance of having an enemy. Each maze has 5 treasure chests. Traps can damage you from 30 to 120 HP. Enemy damage is based on your own damage. During enemy fights, you can attack (⚔️), defend (🛡️) or recover HP (❤️). Treasure chests can have gold up to 25 times your attack + defense. If you reach the end, you will receive a special treasure with gold up to 100 times your attack + defense. (It is recommended to draw a map of the maze.)(This command has a cooldown of 30 minutes.)



$richest-Show the 10 most richest players in IdleRPG


$[best|high|top|highscore] -Shows you the top 10 players by XP and displays the corresponding level.


$lovers-The top 10 lovers sorted by their spouse's lovescore.

PVP Stats

$[pvp|battles|pvpstats]-Shows you the top 10 players by the amount of wins in PvP matches.



$[market|m|shop] [itemtype=All] [minstat=0.0] [highestprice=1000000]-Lists the buyable items on the market. You can cleverly filter out items you don't want to see with these parameters.

[itemtype] - The type of item to filter; defaults to all item types

[minstat] - The minimum damage/defense an item has to have to show up; defaults to 0

[highestprice] - The highest price an item can have to show up; defaults to $1,000,000


$trader-Buys items at the trader. These items can range from 1 stat to 15 stat, with their price being 50 times their stat. Useful for the early game. (This command has a cooldown of 1 hour.)


$[merch|merchant] [itemids...]-Sells items for their value.

Items that you don't own will be filtered out. If you are in an alliance which owns a trade building, your winnings will be multiplied by 1.5 for each level. (This command has a cooldown of 10 minutes.)

<itemids> - The IDs of the items to sell, seperated by space


$buy <itemid>-Buy an item from the global market. Tax for buying is 5%. Buying your own items is impossible. You can find the item's ID in $shop.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to buy


$remove <itemid>-Takes an item off the shop. You may only remove your own items from the shop. You can check your items on the shop with $pending. Paid tax money will not be returned.

<itemid> - The item to remove from the shop


$pending-View your pending shop offers. This is a convenient way to find IDs of items that you put on the market.


$sell <itemid> <price>-Puts your item into the market.

Tax for selling items is 5% of the price. You may not sell modified items, items with a price higher than their value, or items below 4 stat. If you are in an alliance with owns a city with a trade building, you do not have to pay the tax. Please note that you won't get the money right away, another player has to buy the item first. With that being said, please choose a reasonable price. If your item has not been bought for 14 days, it will be removed from the market and put back into your inventory.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to sell

<price> - The price to sell the item for, can be 0 or above


$offer <itemid> <price> <user>-Offer an item to a specific user. You may not offer modified items. Once the other user accepts, the item belongs to them.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to offer

<price> - The price the other has to pay, can be a number from 0 to 100,000,000

<user> - The user to offer the item to


$merchall [maxstat] [minstat]-Sells all your non-equipped items for their value.

A convenient way to sell a large amount of items at once. If you are in an alliance which owns a trade building, your winnings will be multiplied by 1.5 for each level. (This command has a cooldown of 30 minutes.)

[maxstat] - The highest damage/defense to include; defaults to 100

[minstat] - The lowest damage/defense to include; defaults to 0


Setting Prefix

$settings prefix <prefix>-Change the bot prefix, it cannot exceed 10 characters. Only users with the Manage Server permission can use this command.

<prefix> - The new prefix to use. Use "" quotes to surround it if you want multiple words or trailing spaces.


$settings-Change the server settings for the bot.


$prefix-View the bot prefix for the server

Server Info

$[server|serverinfo]-Shows information about your server, from its region and membercount to its creation date and roles.

Settings Reset

$settings reset-Resets the server settings.


$avatar [target]-Shows someone's avatar, also known as their icon or profile picture. <target> - The user whose avatar to show; defaults to oneself



$rename [name]-Renames your character. The name must be from 3 to 20 characters long.

[name] - The name to use; if not given, this will be interactive


$[inv|i|inventory] [itemtype=All] [lowest=0] [highest=101]-Show your gear items.

Items that are in the market will not be shown. Gear items can be equipped, sold and given away, or upgraded and merged to make them stronger.You can gain gear items by completing adventures, opening crates, or having your pet hunt for them, if you are a ranger. To sell unused items for their value, use $merch. To put them up on the global player market, use $sell.

[itemtype] - The type of item to show; defaults to all items

[lowest] - The lower boundary of items to show; defaults to 0

[highest] - The upper boundary of items to show; defaults to 101


$[use|equip] <itemid>-Equip an item by its ID, you can find the item IDs in your inventory.

Each item has an assigned hand slot, "any" meaning that the item can go in either hand, "both" meaning it takes both hands, "left" and "right" should be clear. You cannot equip two items that use the same hand, or a second item if the one your have equipped is two-handed.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to equip


$xp [user]-Show a player's XP and level.

You can gain more XP by:

  • Completing adventures
  • Exchanging loot items for XP

[user] - The player whose XP and level to show; defaults to oneself


$[loot|items]-Show your loot items.

Loot items can be exchanged for money or XP, or sacrificed to your God to gain favor points. You can gain loot items by completing adventures. The higher the difficulty, the higher the chance to get loot. If you are a Ritualist, your loot chances are doubled.


$[color|colour] <colour>-Sets your profile text colour. The format may be #RGB, #RRGGBB, CSS3 defaults like "cyan", a rgb(r, g, b) tuple or a rgba(r, g, b, a) tuple

A tuple is a data type consisting of multiple parts. To make a tuple for this command, seperate your values with a comma, and surround them with parantheses. Here is an example of a tuple with four values: (128,256,0,0.5). This will change the text color in $profile and the embed color in $profile2.

<color> - The color to use, see below for allowed format


$give <money> <other>Gift money! It will be removed from you and added to the other person.

<money> - The amount of money to give to the other person, cannot exceed 100,000,000

[other] - The person to give the money to


$[rm|del|delete]-Deletes your character. There is no way to get your character data back after deletion.

Deleting your character also removes:

  • Your guild if you own one
  • Your alliance's city ownership
  • Your partner and children


$[new|c|start|create] [name]-Create a new character and start playing IdleRPG. (This command has a cooldown of 1 hour.)

[name] - The name to give your character; will be interactive if not given

By creating a character, you agree to the bot rules. No idea where to go from here? Check out our tutorial. If you still have questions afterward, feel free to ask us on the official support server.


$merge <firstitemid> <seconditemid>-Merges two items to a better one.

⚠ The first item will be upgraded by +1, the second item will be destroyed. The two items must be of the same item type and within a 5 stat range of each other. For example, if the first item is a 23 damage Scythe, the second item must be a Scythe with damage 18 to 28. One handed weapons can be merged up to 41, two handed items up to 82. (This command has a cooldown of 1 hour.)

<firstitemid> - The ID of the first item

<seconditemid> - The ID of the second item

Upgrade Weapon

$[upgrade|upgradeweapon] <itemid>-Upgrades an item's stat by 1.

The price to upgrade an item is 250 times its current stat. For example, upgrading a 15 damage sword will cost $3,750. One handed weapons can be upgraded up to 41, two handed items up to 82. (This command has a cooldown of 1 hour.)

<itemid> - The ID of the item to upgrade


$[money|e|balance|bal|economy]-Shows the amount of money you currently have.

Among other ways, you can get more money by:

  • Playing adventures
  • Selling unused equipment
  • Gambling


$luck-Shows your current luck value.

Luck updates once a week for everyone, usually on Monday. It depends on your God. Luck influences your adventure survival chances as well as the rewards. Luck is decided randomly within the Gods' luck boundaries. You can find your God's boundaries here.

If you have enough favor to place in the top 25 followers, you will gain additional luck:

  • The top 25 to 21 will gain +0.1 luck
  • The top 20 to 16 will gain +0.2 luck
  • The top 15 to 11 will gain +0.3 luck
  • The top 10 to 6 will gain +0.4 luck
  • The top 5 to 1 will gain +0.5 luck

If you follow a new God (or become Godless), your luck will not update instantly, it will update with everyone else's luck on Monday.


$[me|p|profile] [person]-View someone's profile. This will send an image.

[person] - The person whose profile to view; defaults to oneself.


$[ex|exchange] [loot_ids...]-Exchange your loot for money or XP, the bot will let you choose.

If you choose money, you will get the loots' combined value in cash. For XP, you will get 1/4th of the combined value in XP.

[loot_ids...] - The loot IDs to exchange; defaults to all loot


$unequip <itemid>-Unequip one of your equipped items. This has no benefit whatsoever.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to unequip


$[p2|pp|profile2] [target]-View someone's profile. This will send an embed rather than an image and is usually faster.

[target] - The person whose profile to view


Active Battle

$activebattle [money] [enemy]-Fight against another player while betting money.

To decide players' stats, their items, race and class bonuses are evaluated. The money is removed from both players at the start of the battle. Once a winner has been decided, they will receive their money, plus the enemy's money. The battle takes place in rounds. Each round, both players have to choose their move using the reactions. Players can attack (⚔️), defend (🛡️) or recover HP (❤️). The battle ends if one player's HP drops to 0 (winner decided), or a player does not move (forfeit). In case of a forfeit, neither of the players will get their money back. The battle's winner will receive a PvP win, which shows on their profile. (This command has a cooldown of 10 minutes.)

[money] - A whole number that can be 0 or greater; defaults to 0

[enemy] - A user who has a profile; defaults to anyone


$battle [money] [enemy]-Fight against another player while betting money.

To decide the fight, the players' items, race and class bonuses and an additional number from 1 to 7 are evaluated, this serves as a way to give players with lower stats a chance at winning. The money is removed from both players at the start of the battle. Once a winner has been decided, they will receive their money, plus the enemy's money. The battle lasts 30 seconds, after which the winner and loser will be mentioned. If both players' stats + random number are the same, the winner is decided at random. The battle's winner will receive a PvP win, which shows on their profile. (This command has a cooldown of 90 seconds.)

[money] - A whole number that can be 0 or greater; defaults to 0

[enemy] - A user who has a profile; defaults to anyone


$raidbattle [money [enemy]-Fight against another player while betting money.

To decide the players' stats, their items, race and class bonuses and raidstats are evaluated. The money is removed from both players at the start of the battle. Once a winner has been decided, they will receive their money, plus the enemy's money. The battle is divided into rounds, in which a player attacks. The first round's attacker is chosen randomly, all other rounds the attacker is the last round's defender. The battle ends if one player's HP drops to 0 (winner decided), or if 5 minutes after the battle started pass (tie). In case of a tie, both players will get their money back. The battle's winner will receive a PvP win, which shows on their profile. (This command has a cooldown of 5 minutes)


Help Me Edit

$helpme [correct|edit] <new_text>-Edit the text on your open helpme request. Our Support Team will see the new text right away. You can only use this command if your server has an open helpme request.

<new_text> - The new text to use in your helpme request

Help Me

$helpme <text>-Ask our support team for help, allowing them to join your server and help you personally.

If they do not join within 48 hours, you may use the helpme command again. Make sure the bot has permissions to create instant invites. English is preferred.

<text> - The text to describe the question or the issue you are having


$[faq|tutorial]-Link to the bot tutorial and FAQ.

Ban From Help Me

$banfromhelpme <thing_to_ban>-Bans a user/server from using the $helpme command.

Only Support Team Members can use this command.

<thing_to_ban> - A discord User, their User ID, or a server ID


$help [command]-Views the help on a topic.

The topic may either be a command name or a module name. Command names are always preferred, so for example, $help adventure. Will show the help on the command, not the module. To view the help on a module explicitly, use $help module [name]


$[commands|cmds|documentation] -Sends a link to the official documentation.

Unban From Help Me

$unbanfromhelpme <thing_to_unban>-Unbans a previously banned user/server from using the $helpme command.

Only Support Team Members can use this command.

<thing_to_unban> - A discord User, their User ID, or a server ID

Help Me Delete

$helpme [revoke|remove|delete]-Cancel your ongoing helpme request. Our Support Team will not join your server.

You can only use this command if your server has an open helpme request.

Help Me View

$helpme view-View how your server's current helpme request looks like to our Support Team.

You can only use this command if your server has an open helpme request.



$vote-Vote me up to get a random crate!

You may receive a common crate (89%), an uncommon crate (6%), a rare crate (4%), a magic crate (0.9%) or a legendary crate (0.1%). If your vote was not registered, make sure you are logged into the right account on and try again.


Trade Crate

$tradecrate <other> [amount=1] [rarity=common]-Give your crates to another person.

Players must combine this command with $give for a complete trade.

<other> - A user with a character

[amount] - A whole number greater than 0; defaults to 1

[rarity] - The crate's rarity to trade, can be common, uncommon, rare, magic or legendary; defaults to common


$open [rarity=common]-Open one of your crates to receive a weapon. To check which crates contain which items, check $help crates. This command takes up a lot of space, so choose a spammy channel to open crates.

[rarity] - the crate's rarity to open, can be common, uncommon, rare, magic or legendary; defaults to common


$[boxes|crates]-Shows all the crates you can have.

Common crates contain items ranging from stats 1 to 30 (or 1 to 60 for 2 hand)s. Uncommon crates contain items ranging from stats 10 to 35 (or 20 to 70 for 2 hands). Rare crates contain items ranging from stats 20 to 40 (or 40 to 80 for 2 hands). Magic crates contain items ranging from stats 30 to 45. Legendary crates contain items ranging from stats 41 to 50 (or 82 to 100 for 2 hands). You can receive crates by voting for the bot using $vote, using $daily and with a small chance from $familyevent, if you have children.


Make Background

$makebackground <url>-Generate a profile background for you. This will stretch/compress your image to 800x650 pixels and layer on an overlay. This will return a link you can then use for $background.

Only basic (or above) tier patrons can use this command

<url> - The image URL to format

Weapon Type

$weapontype <itemid> <new_type>- Change an item's type. Once the type changed, the item becomes unsellable.

You may not change a two-handed item into a one-handed one, or vice versa. This proves useful for merging items. Only bronze (or above) tier patrons can use this command.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to change type

<new_type> - The type to transform the item into

Update Guild

$updateguild -Update your guild member limit and bank size according to your donation tier.

⚠ To use this, you have to be the leader of a guild, not just a member. Gold (and above) Donators have their bank space quintupled (x5), Silver Donators have theirs doubled. The member limit is set to 100 regardless of donation tier. Only basic (or above) tier patrons can use this command.

Donator Daily

$donatordaily-Receive a daily booster. The booster can be a time, money or luck booster. (This command has a cooldown of 24 hours.)

Reset Item

$resetitem <itemid>-Reset an item's type and name, if modified. Once an item is reset, it can be sold again.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to reset


$background <url>-Change your profile's background image. $background reset sets it to the default one again.

This image should be formatted by the $makebackground command, however if you want to get creative and not use an overlay, or create your own, the image dimensions are 800x650. Only basic (or above) tier patrons can use this command.

<url> - The image URL to use as the background, may not exceed 60 characters.

Event Background

$eventbackground <number>-Update your background to one from the events. You can get event backgrounds from special events, for example easter or christmas.

<number> - The number of the eventbackground to use

Weapon Name

$weaponname <itemid> <newname>-Change an item's name. Once an item is renamed, it can no longer be sold. Only basic (or above) tier patrons can use this command.

<itemid> - The ID of the item to rename

<newname> - The name to give the item, must be shorter than 40 characters



$purchase <booster> [amount]-Buy one or more booster from the store. For a detailed explanation what the boosters do, check $help boosters.

<booster> - The booster type to buy, can be time, luck, money or all

[amount] - The amount of boosters to buy; defaults to 1


$[b|boosters] -View your boosters and the active ones' status. Each one has a different effect.

Each booster lasts 24 hours after activation.

  • Time boosters halve the adventures' times (must be active before starting an adventure)
  • Luck boosters increase your adventure chances by 25%
  • Money boosters increase the amount of gold gained from adventures by 25%


$store-Show the booster store. For a detailed explanation what the boosters do, check $help boosters.


$activate <boostertype>-Activate a booster. For a detailed explanation what the boosters do, check $help boosters.

<boostertype> - The booster type to activate, can be time, luck, money or all