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What is favor?

Favor is how much attention you have from your god. The more favor you have, the more likely you are to receive a gift of luck from your god.

Use $favor to see how much favor you have.

How do I get favor?

First, make sure you have a god. If you don't already have a god, use $follow to choose a god. Think carefully, because this cannot be undone.

You can $pray once per day (24 hours) to earn a random amount of favor.

Sometimes when adventuring you will earn loot. Loot can be exchanged for favor using $sacrifice. Use $loot to see what items you have available to sacrifice.

Can favor go down?

Favor does not go down on its own, however gods can use $resetfavor to reset all the favor of all of their followers.


The Ritualist class gets extra favor when sacrificing items.