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Battles are commands in which two players compete against each other, utlizing their equipped items and, in some cases, racial and class bonuses. All battle commands allow specifying a specific user to battle and a prize pool of money which will be taken from the command user. If not set, the prize money will be $0, and everyone is able to join their battle. The opposing user can join the battle using the crossed swords emoji reaction.
Before an enemy accepts the battle, the prize money is removed from the first player; After the enemy accepts the battle, the prize money is also removed from the enemy player.

Regular Battle

Regular battles can be invoked with the command $battle [prize] [enemy]. If not specified, prize defaults to 0 and enemy defaults to anyone.
In regular battles, the players' defense and damage values are calculated by their equipped items, which are summed up, among with a random number from one to seven. This random number is intended to give players with slightly lower level items a chance to succeed in these battles.
If both players battle stats are equal, the winner is chosen completely at random.
After 30 seconds pass, the winner will receive double the prize money - remember that the prize money was originally removed from both players - resulting in the winning player receiving the prize money on top of the money that was removed at the beginning of the battle. The winning player will also have one PvP win added to their Profile.

Active Battle

Active battles can be invoked with the command $activebattle [prize] [enemy]. If not specified, prize defaults to 0 and enemy defaults to anyone.
In active battles, the players' defense and damage values are calculated by their equipped items. A player's HP will always be 100, except when they are using the Ranger, in which case they will have 120 HP.
Active battles differentiate themselved from regulat battles through their emoji-reaction based battle system. Each round, both players must choose an action between Attack (crossed swords emoji), Defend (shield emoji) and Heal (Heart emoji). If no action is chosen, the active battle will end without either player having their money returned. The battle will continue until any player's HP reach zero, if both players' HP reach zero at the same time, a winner cannot be decided and the battle will result in a draw.

  • Heal: recovers HP, the exact HP value being a quarter of the player's damage stat.
  • Defend: Grants a chance to reduce the incoming damage or block the enemy's attack entirely.
    • Two values are chosen at random: 20%, 50%, 80% or 100% of the attacking player's damage, and 20%, 50%, 80% or 100% of the defending player's defense. The second value is subtracted from the first, the resulting number is the final damage the attacking player will deal.
    • If the final damage is lower than zero, the defense will be viewed as a success and no damage will be dealt to the defending player.
    • If the final damage is above zero, the defense will be viewed as failed, and the reduced damage will be dealt to the defending player.
  • Attack: a random value from 20%, 50%, 80% or 100% of the attacking player's damage will be dealt to the opposing player.

After a winner has been decided, they will receive double the prize money, resulting in the winning player receiving the prize money on top of the money that was removed at the beginning of the battle. The winning player will also have one PvP win added to their Profile.


Raidbattles can be invoked with the command $activebattle [prize] [enemy]. If not specified, prize defaults to 0 and enemy defaults to anyone.
In raidbattles, the players' defense and damage values are calculated by their equipped items, their racial bonuses and their class bonuses, along with their raidstats and potential Alliance supplied by the raid building. Each player has 250 HP, which cannot be changed, unlike active battles.
Raidbattles try to emulate the turn based Raid battle system, where one player attacks first and the other attacks afterward. The battle will continue until either player's HP reach zero, or 5 minutes after the battle began have passed.
After a winner has been decided, they will receive double the prize money, resulting in the winning player receiving the prize money on top of the money that was removed at the beginning of the battle. The winning player will also have one PvP win added to their Profile.