Seamonster's Temple

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Seamonster's Temple, also known as Adventure 8, is the eighth adventure in IdleRPG. This adventure is available when leveling up to level 8.

Seamonster's Temple as seen in $missions. The Chance field is filled depending on the player's stats.


The dark and deep temples inhibited by the Sea Monster has been a mystery for ages. Whomever has traveled there has never returned. Can you make it out alive?


Gold: Base gold rewards range from $160 to $480 and is affected by the player's luck and whether or not they have a money booster active.
XP: The possible XP ranges range from 2000XP to 4000XP.
Item: An item's base stats can range from 8 to 17, doubling if the item is a two-handed type, and affected by the player's luck. There is a 17% chance to gain a loot item instead of a gear item (34% if the player has the Ritualist class).


  • This adventure was added in May 2018.
  • The completion time was increased from 1 hour to 2 hours with the v4.4.0 update.